September 6, 2022

Rockley Family Foundation
ATTN: Tobin N. Rockley
ATTN: Liane C. Rockley
PO Box 17930
Golden, CO 80402-6032

Dear Tobin and Liane:
We are so grateful for your recent $10,000 gift to the Bailey School of Music at Kennesaw State University. Your generosity creates an immediate impact and increases our capacity to transform the lives of our students in meaningful and tangible ways. Access to higher education leaves an indelible mark in the life of each student we serve.

As our enrollment has continued to rise, we have worked with our faculty and staff to create a multi-focused strategy to ensure every student is engaged, challenged, and supported to increase their knowledge, understanding and marketable skills. We provide pathways for success that fuel the unique aspirations of each student. They can embrace their dreams at Kennesaw State. Our students are poised to take their place as life-long learners with excellent leadership skills and a sense of social responsibility both locally and as citizens of the world.

Your investment at Kennesaw State alters the trajectory of individuals, families, and communities forever. Thank you again for partnering with us to empower our students to change the world.

Lance E. Burchett
Vice President, University Advancement
Chief Executive Officer of Kennesaw State University Foundation, Inc.

See the full letter