NOVA Southeastern University 2024 Piano, Digital Piano, and Violins Sale

For the 2024 school year, Nova Southeastern University’s Alvin Sherman Library has had access to new, first-class pianos and digital pianos at no cost. This arrangement is made possible through a partnership with the Rockley Family Foundation, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to supporting music education. In order to perpetuate this valuable program and support the Alvin Sherman Library’s music programming, the instruments offered in this program and those made otherwise available will be sold at a discount from their retail price.

There will be a wide selection of grands, baby grands, digital player grands, upright pianos, digital pianos, violins, violas, and cellos on display. This event features gently used starter to professional level instruments from renowned makers such as Seiler, Steinway & Sons, Yamaha, Knabe, Italia Fine Violins and many others. Many of our instruments are less than one year old, all include a warranty, and come fully tuned and ready for use. On-site delivery and no-interest financing are available. Also, in most cases, a substantial portion of your purchase may be tax deductible as a charitable contribution to the Rockley Family Foundation.*

You are invited to attend a special private sale on:
Thursday, December 12, Friday, December 13 and Saturday, December 14
To secure a time, please call (954) 226-9762.

This event will be held in the Alvin Sherman Library on the Nova Southeastern University campus, 3100 Ray Ferrero, Jr. Boulevard., Fort Lauderdale, FL 33314. For on-line scheduling and event details, (including “virtual appointment” options), please call or visit:

This is an exciting opportunity for us, and we are delighted to provide it to you.

*You should consult with your own tax advisor to the individual deductibility of any contribution.

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    There will be a wide selection of grands, baby grands, digital player grands, upright pianos, digital pianos, violins, violas, and cellos on display. This event features gently used starter to professional level instruments from renowned makers such as Seiler, Steinway & Sons, Yamaha, Knabe, Italia Fine Violins and many others. Many of our instruments are less than one year old, all include a warranty, and come fully tuned and ready for use. On-site delivery and no-interest financing are available. Also, in most cases, a substantial portion of your purchase may be tax deductible as a charitable contribution to the Rockley Family Foundation.*


    You are invited to attend a special private sale on:

    Thursday, December 12, Friday, December 13 and Saturday, December 14

    To secure a time, please call (954) 226-9762.

    Alvin Sherman Library
    Nova Southeastern University
    3100 Ray Ferrero Jr. Boulevard
    Fort Lauderdale, FL 33314